Kenneth Wang

Hello there! I'm

Kenneth Wang

I'm a designer, developer, and project manager currently based in San Francisco. I have a passion for elegant design and optimized solutions.

I love making things, and I enjoy using my obsessive attention to detail to create products that make the world a better place.

I have a very broad range of skills, from UI/UX design to fullstack development to DevOps. I take pride in my ability to design, develop, and deploy web solutions single-handedly.

I'm obsessed with typography. Text is ubiquitious, and I believe typography to be the most important topic in design. Typography on the web is still relatively new, and I hope to become a leading authority figure in that field.

Outside of work, I enjoy game development and digital painting.

My current focus is on developing highly maintainable, modern, typography libraries using TypeScript and Node.js. I will not be available for contractual work until Q2 2020.